Claims Forms
Applicant’s Disability Questionnaire
Accidental Indemnity Form 1
Accidental Indemnity Form 2
Claimant's Statement
Death Claim Forms
Attending Physician's Statement for Disability Claim
Attending Physician's Statement for Death Claim
Claimant's Authorization Letter for Disability Claim
Claimant's Authorization Letter for Death Claim
Identification of the Deceased Statement
Hospitalization Claim Forms
Hospitalization Insurance Benefit Claim Form
Attending Physician's Statement (for Non-Life Claims)
We have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions below.
Can’t find the answer to your question? Contact us and we'll be happy to help.
Keeping Your Policy Inforce FAQ
Yes, You will receive 4 different types of Premium Notices

- First Notice - sent 37 days before due date. You can pay your premium within the 31-day grace period.
- Second (Reminder) Notice - sent 7 days after due date if the premium remains unpaid.
- Overdue Notice - sent when the grace period expires, or 32 days after due date if the premium remains unpaid.
- Lapse Notice - sent 45 days after due date with reinstatement offer.
We want to make paying your premiums as easy and as convenient as possible. That’s why we have given you several choices on how you can pay for your premiums. Choose the one that is most convenient for you!
- Directly to Paramount Life and General Corporation
At our Head Office or any branch near you- Pay by cash
- Pay by credit card (available at the Head Office)
- Sending post-dated checks
- Through your Agent.
- Use any of the following Electronic Services
- Mobile and Online Banking
- Bank of the Philippine Islands (BPI)
- Metrobank
- United Coconut Planters Bank (UCPB)
- Unionbank
- Online BancNet-affiliated
- Virtual Wallet
- GCash Mobile App
- Shopee Pay
- Fund Transfer to Any of Paramount’s Bank Accounts*
- BPI Current Account - 3381-0106-93
- BDO Savings Account - 005310000713 (w/ Php 10K limit per day)
- Metrobank Current Account - 083-308350247-0
For proper crediting of your payment, send a copy of confirmation slip of fund transfer with your policy number to
- Payment Link found in your Premium Notice
- Mobile and Online Banking
- Use any of the Autopay Facilities
- Deduct your premiums from your bank account by completing and submitting the ADA form.
- Charge your premiums to your credit card by completing and submitting the Credit Card Authorization Form.
- Deduct your premiums from your bank account by completing and submitting the ADA form.
- Go to Any of These Over the Counter Facilities
- Metrobank
- Unionbank
- Landbank
- Bayad
- ECPay
- 7-Eleven
- Any of the banks with a Paramount account.
- BPI Current Account - 3381-0106-93
- BDO Savings Account - 005310000713
- Metrobank Current Account - 083-308350247-0
For proper crediting of your payment, send a copy of the validated deposit slip with your policy number to All accounts listed below are Metro Manila-based and entail Php50.00 charge for inter-region bank transactions which is to be shouldered by the depositor.
- Automated Teller Machines
- BancNet ATMs
Reinstatement means putting the policy back in force. Policies may be reinstated within three (3) years from the date it lapsed. It is conditioned by presentation of evidence of insurability satisfactory to the company and payment of premium/s in arrears plus interest.
Note: Reinstatement of the policy shall not be effective until the company approves such application for reinstatement.
- Through your servicing agent/LifePlanning Partner or you may simply call our Policy Service Dept. at +632 772-9200 locals 1092, 1097 or 1056 (within Metro Manila) or toll-free 1800-1888-8777 (outside Metro Manila).
- Short Messaging Service (SMS). By enrolling your mobile phone number with Paramount Life you will be able to make self-service inquiries via text. We can remind you of your premium dues so you don’t miss that important premium payment and ensure uninterrupted insurance protection. You can request via text for your policy’s cash value, amount of premium due, last payment made, premium deposit fund balance and request latest billing or statement of account.
You can enroll in this facility by simply typing the following information on your mobile phone:
PHLIFEYour 9-digit Policy NumberYour birthdate (mo/day/year)
EX. PHLIFE 000012340 02141970 and send to: +63 (917) 890 7842
Once we receive your text message (example, PHLIFE 000012340 02141970), you will immediately receive a text confirmation that your cell phone has been enrolled. If you change your cell phone number in the future, follow the same procedure using your new cell phone number.
To inquire via text, simply type LIFEQyour query or request then send to +63 (917) 890 7842
EX. LIFEQ When is the payment due date for my policy?
Policy Changes FAQ
There are 7 types of changes that you can make on your policy.
- Change of Name
Requirements:- Photocopy of marriage contract for female policyholders who changed status.
- Affidavit attesting that both names refer to one and the same person if the change is due to usage.
- 2 copies of Request for Amendment forms.
- Policy Contract
Change Of Beneficiary
- 2 copies of Request for Amendment forms signed by both policyowner and primary irrevocable beneficiary/ies, if any
- Amendments Or Changes In The Policy (Insurance Plan, Face Amount, Rider Addition/deletion)
- 2 copies of Request for Amendment forms.indicating the desired policy changes.
- Policy Contract.
- Pay the balance of premium due (if any)
- Submit a Health Statement or a Full Medical Examination, as required.
- Correction of date of birth and age
- 2 copies of Request for Amendment forms.
- Certified true copy of Birth Certificate
- Policy Contract
- Pay balance of premium if age is determined as older than previous declaration.
- Change in the mode of payment
- 2 copies of Request for Amendment forms.
- Change in the mailing address / contact details (residence phone/mobile numbers, or e-mail address)
- Write your correct/ current address/ contact details on the right portion of the Premium Notice or write to us a letter with your full name, policy no. and correct /current address/contact details and send to:
Policy Service Department
Paramount Life and General Insurance Corporation
Ground Floor, Sage House
110 V.A. Rufino St., Legaspi Village, 1229 Makati City
- Write your correct/ current address/ contact details on the right portion of the Premium Notice or write to us a letter with your full name, policy no. and correct /current address/contact details and send to:
- Change of ownership
- 2 copies of Request for Policy Amendment forms signed by the original owner, if living, the transferee (new owner) and the primary irrevocable beneficiaries, if any
- If a corporation has been designated as owner, a board resolution attesting to the corporation’s consent and specifying their authorized representative to any future policy transactions.
- Photocopy of death certificate if the original owner is no longer living.
- Policy Contract
The primary beneficiary designated on the policy shall receive the proceeds of insurance coverage in the event of death of the life insured. In the event of the death of the primary beneficiary, the contingent beneficiary, if any, receives the proceeds.
If the primary beneficiary is designated as irrevocable, he becomes part owner of the policy. This means his consent is required for all policy-related transactions and changes effected on the policy such as in insurance plan, face amount, supplemental benefits, beneficiaries and non-forfeiture options. Death claim proceeds on policies with an irrevocable beneficiary are tax-free.
- 2 copies of Request for Amendments
- Deed of Assignment forms duly signed by the policyowner, Assignee and irrevocable beneficiary/ies, if any. If the assignee is an institution (e.g bank/company) the signatory should be the authorized bank/company signatory. A corporate Secretary's Certificate attesting to the authority of the signatory should also be submitted.
- Policy Contract
- Cancellation of Assignment duly signed by the Assignee. If the assignee is an institution (e.g bank/company) the signatory should be the authorized bank/company signatory. A corporate Secretary's Certificate attesting to the authority of the signatory to release the assignment of the policy should be submitted together with the form; OR
- A Certificate from the bank/company attesting that the insured is already free from any indebtedness.
- Policy Contract
- Duly notarized Affidavit of Loss
- Payment of Policy Reissue Fee
Policy Dividends FAQ
A policy dividend is an amount of money returned to the holder of a participating policy. The money is a partial refund of the premium paid. Dividends however are not guaranteed.
- Cash - Under this option, a check is sent directly to your address on record for the amount of the dividend on the policy anniversary.
- Premium Reduction - Under this option, the dividend is applied to your policy's premiums due for the current year. If the application is not enough to pay the full premium, you will receive a bill for the difference. If the dividend exceeds the amount of premiums due, check will be sent to you for the amount of the remaining dividend. No dividend will be left on the policy to accumulate.
- Paid-up Addition - Under this option, the annual dividend available is used as a net single premium to purchase additional insurance coverage on the life of the insured. The additional insurance provides greater death benefit and provides cash value.
- Dividend Accumulation - Under this option, the dividend is left with the Company, where it will accumulate and earn annual interest. The rate of dividend accumulation is declared at the same time that the Company declares the dividend scale each year. You may change your dividend option at any time as long as the policy is in force and the new option is available to your policy.
An option available when the cash value earned by the policy can be used to continue the life insurance coverage even if the premium remains unpaid beyond the grace period.
- Deed of Surrender / Request for Termination of Insurance Policy Form - the form should be signed by the policyowner and the primary irrevocable beneficiary/ies, if any.
- Policy Contract
- IDs with photo and signature
- Signature Form – if signature has changed over time
Policy Loan FAQ
If the policy has cash value, and has continuously been in force and not converted to a Reduced Paid-Up or Extended Term Insurance, the policyowner has the right to establish a loan against the cash value of the policy, at an interest rate of 10% per annum and 8% per annum for peso and dollar policies respectively, effective July 1, 2006.
- Policy Loan Agreement Form - the form should be signed by the policyowner and the primary irrevocable beneficiary/ies, if any.
- Policy Contract
- IDs with photo and signature
- Signature Form – if signature has changed over time
Policy loan can be paid at any time in lumpsum or in any installment amount most convenient to the policyowner until the loan is fully paid. The loan plus interest is indicated on the premium notice during the policy anniversary.
A Policy Loan Repayment Schedule may also be provided to you upon request. You may call or write our Policy Service Dept. to assist you on this.
If the policy loan is not paid, it will bear interest at a specified rate per annum. Both loan and interest will become a new loan on the Policy Anniversary. Non-payment of the policy loan may endanger your policy from possible lapsation should the cash value becomes exhausted.
Premium Deposit Fund FAQ
- It is a non-participating rider that allows the policyowner to make “advance payments” through deposits to the fund. It is a ready capital that can be used to pay premium due.
- Initial and subsequent deposits made to this fund should not be less than Php1,000.00
- The initial deposit to the fund will be credited with a guaranteed rate for the first policy year. Any additions to the fund within the same policy year and henceforth will be subject to prevailing rate as the company may declare.
- The interest rate credited to the fund shall not fall below what the top three commercial banks in the Philippines, on the average, pay on its regular savings deposit with the same currency as the policy.
- The PDF shall be used only to pay a modal premium remaining unpaid as of the end of the grace period provided the fund is sufficient to pay such premium in full.
- When the remaining amount in this fund is insufficient to pay the modal premium, the fund balance if below Php1,000.00, will be paid to the policyowner and the APL or other non-forfeiture option, if any, shall apply.
- Paramount Life shall send an Annual Statement showing the current balance and movements of the fund.
Withdrawals from the fund may be made anytime but limited to four (4) withdrawals per policy year. At least P1,000.00 per withdrawal can be made. Withdrawals within the policy year in excess of four (4) will be subject to an administrative fee of P250.00.
- Withdrawal form signed by the Policyowner
- IDs with photo and signature
- Signature form, as needed
Maturity Benefit FAQ
Upon receipt of the notification of your maturity benefit, you have to comply with the following requirements:
- Settlement Deed form signed by the Policyowner
- IDs with photo and signature
- Signature form, as needed
- Policy Contract
Universal Life FAQ
Universal Life gives you the flexibility and earning potential that no traditional product in the market can match. It allows you to make deposits to a fund deposits to a (CASH VALUE), which will pay for your insurance and earn monthly interest for your money at the same time! You don't have to worry about fixed premiums or scheduled premium due dates- you can pay any amount at your convenience and your policy will remain in force as long as you have enough fund to support your insurance. You can also design your own savings and insurance coverage by modifying your death benefit. And all these: interest, insurance cost, and other charges will be disclosed to you, so you know exactly how your money is allocated and how much it is earning.
Universal Life offers a whole life coverage until age 100.
Yes. The annual premium for your policy should be at least Ps.9,000.00.
Each Universal Life Policy comes with a built in fund called CASH VALUE where all your premium deposits are placed. All charges and insurance cost will be debited from this fund, and the fund balance is credited with interest every month.
Your initial coverage, called SPECIFIED AMOUNT, must be at least Ps. 300,000.00. You may decrease this amount by at most 20% once per year after the third year, as long as it does not go below the minimum specified amount shown in the policy schedule page.
You have two options (A or B) to choose from as far as Death Benefits are concerned. For Option A, your beneficiaries will receive the greater of the SPECIFIED AMOUNT or the CASH VALUE. For Option B, your beneficiaries will receive the SPECIFIED AMOUNT plus the CASH VALUE.
You may shift from one option to the next once a year.
Yes. You will still receive premium notices depending on the chosen mode of payment. But this serves only as a reminder that the proposed premium is such, and in no way constrains the premium flexibility and premium convenience built in the product.
The current annual interest rate is 4% and is credited as earned on a monthly basis. Though the interest rate is not guaranteed and may change from time to time, it will never be below the average credit to regular savings deposit of the top three banks in the Philippines.
If you surrender your policy, we will give you the NET SURRENDER VALUE of your policy. The NET SURRENDER VALUE is equal to the CASH VALUE less any loans and surrender charges. Surrender charges apply only to policies withdrawn within the first 15 years.
Yes. Withdrawals can be made from the CASH VALUE after the first year. The amount of withdrawal may be up to 10% of the NET SURRENDER VALUE.
Yes. Loans can be made from the CASH VALUE after the first year. The loan amount should be less than the NET SURRENDER VALUE and interest from loans are advanced.
You will be sent an ANNUAL REPORT every policy anniversary. This will disclose all necessary information on your policy and fund, including balance, interest, charges, loans and withdrawals made. You may also visit or call Paramount Life and Gen. Insurance Corporation’s Head Office for an update. A request for a printed copy at any time other than the policy anniversary will be charged a nominal fee.
Payment Options for Universal Life are the same with our other Individual Insurance Plans.
As long as your NET SURRENDER VALUE can cover the charges due, your policy will remain in force. Further, your policy has a conditional No Lapse Guarantee.
The No Lapse Guarantee assures you that your policy will remain in force until the No Lapse Date if certain conditions are met.
Within five years after the policy issue, the No Lapse Guarantee will be applicable if your total deposits to the fund (less any loans and withdrawals and disregarding interest) is at least equal to your Minimum Monthly Guaranteed Premium (MMGP) times the number of months since issue.
Your Minimum Monthly Guaranteed Premium (MMGP) is determined by Paramount Life based on your premium, risk classification, and rider attachments. The MMGP is used in determining whether the No Lapse Guarantee will be applicable. Your premium notice will be at least equal to your MMGP.
If your NET SURRENDER VALUE cannot cover the charges due and the No Lapse Guarantee is not applicable, then you will be notified and given a 61-day Grace Period in which to deposit an amount necessary to keep your policy in force.
If your NET SURRENDER VALUE cannot cover the charges due and the No Lapse Guarantee is not applicable, then you will be notified and given a 61-day Grace Period in which to deposit an amount necessary to keep your policy in force.
Yes. A lapsed Universal Life Policy can be reinstated within five (5) years after the date of lapse.
Charges are deducted monthly from your CASH VALUE.
Since the Universal Life Policy is unbundled, the separate components that make up the monthly charges are shown. These include administrative charges, loading, cost of insurance, a one time issue charge any charges for decreases in the Specified Amount, and charges for rider attachments.
Aside from the Accidental Death Benefit and Waiver of Premium riders, you can attach other riders as additional insurance for your family. These include Other Insurance Rider for your spouse or siblings above 18 years of age, the Children’s Insurance Rider for your children of siblings aged 18 and below, and the Primary Insured Rider, as extra protection for yourself.
Universal Life and Prime Term with PDF are actually complimentary. The Universal Life Policy is structured to give long term benefits with higher pay-off in later years, while Prime Term with PDF, gives you liquidity for your immediate needs.
Note: Please refer to the actual insurance policy contract’s provisions for a full explanation of the benefits.
We have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions below.
Can’t find the answer to your question? Contact us and we will be happy to help.
Motor Insurance FAQ
One insurance claim will probably not affect the rate but will surely increase / adjust the premium.
Several factors could influence why your rate changed between the time you received your quote and the time you decided to purchase the policy. If it’s been a few months since you received your quote, it’s possible that the rates will be revised, which could decrease or increse the price you pay for auto insurance. Inspection result could also affect the acceptance of coverage.
If you fail to pay your premium on time, your insurance company has the right - after providing you with the legally required notice - to cancel the policy. It is likely also that you will not be covered for any accident or loss that may happen in the course of the coverage.
As a general rule, motor insurance coverage actually follows the vehicle, not the driver. So if your car is involved in an accident, the car receives the full coverage provided by the insurance policy, regardless of who is driving.
Your immediate family member. If the beneficiary is below 18 years old, it is advisable that you elect as an administrator
Fire Insurance FAQ
The coverage of the Fire Insurance is extensive and includes generally fire outbreak, lightning and the loss and damage resulted from extinguishing the fire.
Earthquake, Typhoon, flood, Extended coverage (Smoke / Vehicle Impact / Falling Aircraft / Explosion), Riot Strike, Malicious Damage, Other named perils the Insurance Company may agree to cover.
Report the claim the soonest possible time and reporting should not exceed 14 days after the date of loss.
Make sure that damaged and undamaged properties are kept safe for inspection by our claims representatives.
Submit all necessary documents to Paramount i.e. Police & Fire Dept. reports, photos of damaged properties, quotation from a contractor for repair works and restoration, other general requirements.
Engineering Insurance FAQ
Engineering Insurance in principle provide “All Risk” type covers. This means that almost any sudden and unforeseen physical loss or damage occurring during the period of insurance to the property insured is indemnifiable.
Financiers, Developers, Owners, Principals, Employers, Purchasers, Main Contractors, Sub-Contractors, Supplier-Installers who are involved in:
- The construction or erection of all types of civil, electrical, mechanical engineering projects.
- The managing and on-going operation of these types of industrial developments/projects.
- The use/operating or leasing (hiring-out) of Contractor’s Plant and Machinery
- Report the claim the soonest possible time and reporting should not exceed 14 days after the date of loss.
- Make sure that damaged and undamaged properties are kept safe for inspection by our claims representatives.
- Submit all necessary documents to Paramount i.e. Police & Fire Dept. reports, photos of damaged properties, and other general requirements.
Personal Accident FAQ
Any individual of legal age and actively working may apply for a Personal Accident Insurance.
Simply fill-up the application form and submit it to the company through fax or e-mail.
Your immediate family member. If the beneficiary is below 18 yrs. old, it is advised that you elect an administrator.
It provides financial support in the event the policyholder or assured is unable to work because of total and permanent disability caused by an accidental injury.
Fidelity Guarantee FAQ
The policy designed to indemnify the insured against direct pecuniary loss sustained through acts of fraud or dishonesty by an employee in the course of his employment.
The policy covers regular employees of the insured whose responsibilities include cash handling: i.e. cashiers, sales clerks, treasurer and alike.
Comprehensive General Liability FAQ
Public liability insurance covers a business against claims should its operations injure a member of the public or damage their property in some way.
Liability insurance covers only the risks of being sued for negligence. In other words, liability insurance does not protect against liability resulting from crimes or intentional acts committed by the insured.
Policy Renewal FAQ
Accomplish and submit the renewal reply slip on your premium notice or send out a written advise (via fax or email) to serve as confirmation of the renewal.
We want to make paying your premiums as easy and as convenient as possible. That’s why we have given you several choices on how you can pay for your premiums. Choose the one that is most convenient for you!
- Our Head Office Cashier located at the 12th Floor, Sage House, 110 V.A. Rufino St. Legaspi Village, Makati City or through our branch offices nationwide.
- Over-the-counter (OTC) transactions through any of our duly authorized collecting banks: BDO, Unionbank, Metrobank, UCPB or any Bancnet member bank.
- Accredited Payment Centers: Any Bayad Center Branches & M Lhuiller Branches
- Internet Banking : BPI , Union Bank, Metrobank & Any Bancnet member bank
- Your Servicing Agent/LifePlanning Partner (always ask for Provisional Receipt)
Paramount reminds its insured clients when policies are due for expiry / renewal through two ways. (1) a renewal notice is sent to the insured’s billing address at least 45 days before the policy expires. (2) a Paramount customer representative calls the insured client a month before expiry to inform him/her that their policy is expiring.